

Branschföreningen Svensk Torv är med i Growing Media Europe.

GME - Growing Media Europe

Svensk Torv är medlem i Growing Media Europe, GME som är en efterföljare till EPAGMA (European Peat and Growing Media Association).

Energitorvproducenterna har bildat en sammanslutning som heter Energy Peat Europe ( och odlingssubstratproducenterna har bildat Growing Media Europe (

Growing Media Europe (GME) arbetar för producenter av odlingssubstrat och jordförbättringsmedel genom att påverka lagstiftning och arbeta för rättvisa handelsvillkor. Arbetet bedrivs med ett tydligt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Organisationen har sitt säte i Bryssel för att kunna påverka europapolitiken så effektivt som möjligt.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter

  1. Harmonisering av nationell lagstiftning som rör odlingssubstrat
  2. Miljöcertifiering genom Responsibly Produced Peat
  3. Livscykelbedömning av odlingssubstrat
  4. Growing Media Fora – workshops och liknande där branschen träffar beslutsfattare
  5. Påverkan av regler för EU:s Eco-label
  6. Ekologisk växtodling

Läs mer om GME på >>
Läs mer Energy Peat Euorpe på >>

Information från GME

GME Quarterly Newsletter

Welcome to our first GME Newsletter of 2023. This quarterly publication is intended to increase the level of direct communication with our members, keeping all of you “in the loop” on the most important topics. The newsletter contains short summaries and teasers on the highlights of the daily work of GME, without going into a high level of detail. You are always welcome to get back to us for more in-depth information on one or several subjects. Please enjoy!
by Geoffrey Bennett

Download Growing Media Europe Quarterly newsletter as pdf

A peat ban now makes no sense for gardeners – or the planet

Our columnist discusses hot topics and shares top tips for nurturing seedlings and keeping garden pests at bay.
ByBunny Guinness19 February 2022.
Download the article on peat as pdf

Growing Media Europe (GME) elects new interim Chair of the Board

GME Board Member and Treasurer Thanja van Dongen was appointed interim Chair of the Board during a Board meeting on 22  February 2022. Following the resignation of previous Chair Juha Mäkinen on 21 February, the swift decision will ensure full continuity  of all GME activities in 2022.
Download press release

Newsletter – december 2021

Welcome to the December Newsletter! This publication is intended to increase the level of direct communication with our members , keeping all of you up to date on the most important topics. The topics covered here are highlights intended for a bite sized read covering the last few months. You are welcome to reach out if you would like more in-depth information on any topics covered. 
Download as PDF

Growing Media Europe (GME) publicerar LCA-riktlinjer för odlingssubstrat – den första branschövergripande metoden för beräkning av miljöavtryck

Efter mer än två år av intensivt arbete har Growing Media Europe (GME) glädjen att annonsera publiceringen av de första branschövergripande riktlinjerna för miljöavtryck för odlingssubstrat. Dessa riktlinjer har utarbetats i strikt överensstämmelse med EU:s LCA-standard ”Metod för Produkters Miljöavtryck (PEF)”, som kombinerar 19 olika fördefinierade påverkansfaktorer till ett enda sammanvägt miljöavtryck. Den nya LCA-standarden möjliggör för alla producenter av odlingssubstrat till växter att beräkna vilken miljöpåverkan deras produkter förorsakar, baserat på ett gemensamt beräkningssätt. Ladda ner pressmeddelandet som pdf

Här kan du ladda ner riktlinjerna via GMEs hemsida

World Environment Day 2021 –
The growing media industry actively contributes to peatlands restoration

Our sector is committed to ecosystem restoration, the theme of this year’s World Environment Day, the United Nations initiative to raise awareness and encourage action to protect our environment. Growing media enable nature conservation in many forms, from growing trees, greening up cities, and changing diets to wetlands restoration. Download press relase as PDF

GrowingMedia2021, the 2nd International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture will be held in the historic University city of Ghent, Belgium, from 22 until 27 August 2021. More information

Januari 2021
RPP (Responsibly Produced Peat) elects Mr. Tomi Koivula as Board Member representing Growing Media Europe and the growing media industry. Download press relase as PDF

Januari 2021

International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021. Please find the attached Growing Media Europe press release on the FAO International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021. Download as PDF

November 2020
Här är senaste nytt från GMR; Growing Media Europé, som berör växttorv. ladda ner som pdf.

11 maj 2020
Please find below some bullet points with the latest updates on Coronavirus crisis:

30 mars 2020
In the current Covid-19 crisis, the European growing media sector is doing its outmost to ensure continuity of movements of goods that are vital to the food supply chain. Growing Media Europe urges political decision makers on European and national level to prevent as far as possible disruptions in the trade and movement of goods that are essential to public food supply.
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30 mars 2020
Growing Media Europe (GME) keeps growing strongly with four new members having joined the association since the beginning of 2020. We are pleased to announce that the companies Eifel-Holz AG, Floragard and Hawita as well as the Estonian Peat Association Eesti Turbaliit have joined and will further strengthen the voice of the growing media sector on a European level.
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24 mars 2020
Please find attached Growing Media Europe press release, on gardening sector. We are currently collecting information regarding gardening centres at a national level, in order to see which further measures could be taken. 
– Eugenia Arcos Messana, Public Affairs Advisor
Download press release 


In the current Covid-19 crisis, the European growing media sector is doing its outmost to ensure continuity of movements of goods that are vital to the food supply chain. Growing Media Europe urges political decision makers on European and national level to prevent as far as possible disruptions in the trade and movement of goods that are essential to public food supply.
Download press release

I en artikel i tidningen Viola har vi skrivit om torven som den mest avgörande komponenten för odlingssubstrat enligt två Europeiska odlingsorganisationer –  RPP, Responsibly Produced Peat och GME, Growing Media Europe.

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