IPS - International Peatlands Society
IPS, International Peatland Society, är en organisation av företag och enskilda medlemmar som ägnar sig åt ansvarsfull förvaltning och klok användning av torvmarker och torv.
Syftet är att vara den ledande internationella organisationen för att främja en ansvarsfull förvaltning och klok användning av torvmarker och torv. Detta sker genom att utbyta och kommunicera av forskning, kunskap och erfarenheter bland annat med hjälp av möten, nyhetsbrev och projekt som behandlar viktiga frågor, bland annat klimatförändringar, biologisk mångfald, behovet av ansvarsfull användning och restaurering.
IPS hemsida >>

Information från IPS
Här uppdaterar vi löpande med information frå IPS.
Peatlands International 4.2020
Peatlands International 4.2020 is available now.
Visit the IPS member folder at http://bit.ly/ipsfolder and download the print or small resolution file.
In the same folder you can also still find the IPS Strategy 2020-2024 that we originally promised to include in this issue – but we were ready much earlier!
The 58-page magazine is best viewed in Adobe Reader, two page view, not web preview. Articles and advertisements for the next issue can be submitted until 28 February. In June 2021, this issue will be moved to the public IPS document database.
We warmly welcome your articles, ads and feedback! Please also remember to recruit new IPS members whenever you can 🙂 https://peatlands.org/join-us
Peatlands International 3.2020
Peatlands International 3.2020 is available now.
Visit http://bit.ly/ipsfolder and download your personal copy (two resolutions available). The magazine is best viewed in Adobe Reader, two page view, not web preview.
Articles and advertisements for the next issue can be submitted until 1 JUNE (strict deadline), especially on this year’s theme ”Ecosystem services of peatlands.”
In March 2021, this issue will be moved to the public IPS document database.
Do you want to be a IPS member? https://peatlands.org/join-us
Torvkongress 2021
Den 16: e internationella torvkongressen kommer att äga rum den 2-7 maj 2021 i Tallinn, Estland på KultuuriKatel, Creative Hub.
Programmet och mer information kommer snart att uppdateras på: www.peatlandcongress2021.com
Om du har frågor, maila: ipc2020@publicon.ee
Nyheter från IPS – våtmarker och torv
Mires and Peat är en internettidning som fokuserar specifikt på våtmarker, torvmarker och torv. Den är gratis och tillgänglig för läsare och potentiella författare över hela världen. Det publiceras gemensamt av International Peatland Society (IPS) och International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG).
Länk till Volume 26 (2020) Article 11
Länk till mer om Mires and Peat
Peatlands International 1.2020
Peatlands International 1.2020 is available now.
Visit http://bit.ly/ipsfolder and download your personal copy (two resolutions available). The magazine is best viewed in Adobe Reader, two page view, not web preview.
Articles and advertisements for the next issue can be submitted until 1 JUNE (strict deadline), especially on this year’s theme ”Ecosystem services of peatlands.”
In October 2020, this issue will be moved to the public IPS document database.
Höjdpunkterna i IPS 2019
IPS, International Peatland Society, har sammanställt de viktigaste händelserna under 2019 inklusive klimattoppmötet COP25 i Madrid.
Läs rapporten här
Peatlands International 4.2019
Issue 4.2019 of the IPS magazine Peatlands International is available now.
Visit: https://cutt.ly/De5qoKu and download your personal copy (two resolutions available). The magazine is best viewed in Adobe Reader, two page view, not web preview.
In April 2020, this issue will be moved to the public IPS document database.
Anmäl dig till IPS årsmöte i Tallin
IPS, International Peatland Society, inbjuder till den 16:e världskongressen i Tallinn den 14 till 20 juni 2020. Det går att anmäla sig till förmånligt pris nu.
För mer information och anmälan se hemsidan
Branschföreningen Svensk Torv är genom forskningsstiftelsen TorvForsk medlemmar i IPS som är den samlande internationella organisationen för torvbruk och torvforskning.
På världskongressen kommer ett gediget program bland annat att redovisa de senaste forskningsnyheterna om torvmark.
Ladda ner program och mer information som pdf
Dela gärna inbjudan på Facebook
Peatlands International 3.2019
Issue 3.2019 of the IPS magazine Peatlands International is available now.
Visit https://bit.ly/2VYo20W and download your personal copy (two resolutions available). The magazine is best viewed in Adobe Reader, two page view, not web preview.
In April 2020, this issue will be moved to the public IPS document database.
IPS Nyhetsbrev
Peatland Snippets no 8/2019
Peatland Snippets is sent to members and friends of the IPS once-twice a month.
this number contains:
- New Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management (SRPM) published – download your copy!
- 8 Months to go – 16th International Peatland Congress in Tallinn
- Call for Articles Peatlands International 4.2019
- Vote for EOCA and Borneo’s Orangutans!
IPS Nyhetsbrev
Snippets no 12/2020 >>
Snippets no 11/2020 >>
Snippets no 10/2020>>
Snippets no 8/2020>>
Snippets no 6/2020 >>
Snippets no 5/2020>>
Snippets no 4/2020>>
Snippets no 2/2020 >>
Snippets no 1/2020 >>
Snippets no 10/2019 >>
Snippets no 9/2019 >>
Snippets no 8/2019 >>
Snippets no 7/2019 >>
Snippets no 6/2019 >>
Snippets no 5/2019 >>
Snippets no 4/2019 >>
Snippets no 3/2019 >>
Snippets no 2/2019 >>
Snippets no 1/2019 >>
Peatlands International
Här kan du ladda ner tidigare numer av Peatlands International och annan dokumentation på IPS dokumentdatabas
Gilbert Ludwig new Secretary General of the International Peatland Society
Dr. Gilbert Xavier Ludwig has been appointed as the new Secretary General of the International Peatland Society (IPS) as of 1 January 2019. He will be based at the IPS Secretariat in Jyväskylä, Finland.
Read more att IPS website >>
Fuel preparedness is needed in Sweden
The coming winter’s fuel situation is likely to be as difficult as the previous winter’s, and possibly even worse. One cause is Britain‘s
decreasing export of RT chips (recycled waste wood or recovered wood fuel). New suppliers and better-quality RT must be sourced to ensure energy companies won’t go without fuel.
Download the artikel from IPS Peatlands International nr 4/2018. (pdf) >>
Restoration of Terminated Peat Cuttings by Rewetting
The popular publication of the “Porla” Restoration project in IPS Peatlands International nr 4/2018.
Download the article (pdf) >>
Peatland Snippets no 11/2018
Peatland Snippets is sent to members and friends of the IPS once-twice a month. To contribute to the newsletter, please email ips@peatlands.org by the 5th and 20th of each month.
Snippets no 11/2018 >>
Peatland Snippets no 9/2018
Peatland Snippets is sent to members and friends of the IPS once-twice a month. To contribute to the newsletter, please email ips@peatlands.org by the 5th and 20th of each month.
Snippets no 9/2018 >>
Peatlands International 2.2018
Please go to www.peatlands.org/pi2.2018 and download your personal copy.
We offer a print resolution (34 MB) and a smaller PDF file (7 MB) depending on your Internet and device capacities. As a new option, there is also a file that shows spreads, two pages. For best viewing experience, use your Acrobat Reader, not the browser preview.
IPS 50-årsjubileum
Den 11 till 14 september arrangeras IPS, International Peatlands Society, ett möte i Rotterdam med anledning av att organisationen fyller 50 år. Läs inbjudan i webbläsaren >>
Peatland Snippets no 2/2018
Welcome to the new Peatland Snippets, 2 2018. This newsletter will be sent to members and friends of the IPS twice a month. To contribute, email us: ips@peatlands.org.
Snippets no 2/2018 >>
Peatland Snippets no 1/2018
Welcome to the new Peatland Snippets, nr 1 2018. This newsletter will be sent to members and friends of the IPS twice a month. To contribute, email us: ips@peatlands.org.
Snippets no 1/2018 >>